Sarah Bellamy is a nationally renowned facilitator and healing practitioner. Her methods are holistic, profound, and foster powerful intimacy and authenticity for clients. She brings a wealth of scholarship, strategic acuity, and deep compassion to each consultative or coaching relationship.
A respected scholar and professor, Sarah is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and holds an M.A. in the Humanities from the University of Chicago. She has taught at Macalester College, the University of Minnesota, and served as Visiting Professor of Theatre and Culture at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. She is a skilled and dynamic public speaker offering audiences fresh, big-hearted, and courageous perspectives on a wide range of topics. She is especially recognized for her work on healing, authenticity, and resiliency.
Sarah has been awarded the Hubert H. Humphrey Public Leadership Award, a Bush Foundation Fellowship, and served on the Board of Directors for Theatre Communications Group. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for The Jerome Foundation.